What causes weight gain in menopause?
Nov 25, 2022
What causes weight gain in menopause?
Are you in the midst of menopause, grappling with an array of symptoms that have left you feeling like a stranger in your own body?
If you find yourself nodding along to questions like feeling wider, saggier, experiencing sleepless nights, and being haunted by mood swings, you're not alone.
The journey through menopause is a tumultuous one for many women, marked by a variety of challenges that can impact physical and emotional well-being.
In this blog, we'll explore one of the most common and frustrating aspects of menopause: weight gain.
As with most biological transitions (hello, puberty and pregnancy), the menopause can play havoc with your hormones, leaving you feeling out of control, unattractive, confused and old beyond your years.
Some menopause side-effects, like hot flushes, will ease eventually, others such as such as weight gain around the tummy, will only get worse if left unchecked.
But weight gain around the tummy, can increase your risk of severe health problems, like heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis (bone disease). With the average woman in the UK living into her early 80s, you need to nurture and love the body you’re in right now. It’s use it or lose it time, and the clock’s ticking.
But don't despair - none of this is your fault; it’s fixable, once you have a clear understanding of what is going on.
What Causes Weight Gain in Menopause?
Start by looking at these 3 questions and see how you'd answer them .....
Looking back do you feel that your tummy arrived quite suddenly?
Have you found yourself choosing elasticated clothes because they are more comfortable?
And I bet you are saying - "I'm not eating any differently from how I used to - so it can't be that!"
If you found yourself saying YES to the statements above, then read on.
Would you like to know what made your tummy grow?
And even more importantly, how can you get rid of it?!
Would you like to know how important it is to get rid of it?
Does it even matter? Sadly YES!!
An increased waist circumference can increase your risk of severe health problems, like heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis (bone disease).
I'm not saying we should look like we did when we were 25, but paying attention to your waist does have long term health benefits.
With the average woman in the UK living into her early 80s, you need to nurture and love the body you’re in right now.
We can't turn back the ageing clock but we CAN be the BEST version of ourselves today and tomorrow!
It’s use it or lose it time, and the clock’s ticking.
How we lost weight before perimenopause.
When we were in our 20's and 30's we could eat cabbage soup or cottage cheese for a week and get back into our skinny jeans. We could do an extra workout or two and burn off the excesses of the
previous weekend. Basically - we could play hard and recover with relative ease.
And now that doesn't work.
All the things you may have tried, more cardio, less food, don't work.
The weight keeps piling on.
And this is WHY this stops being effective in Menopause
The menopausal transition is a complex process that involves hormonal fluctuations, and these changes can have a significant impact on your body composition. Here's a quick look at some of the factors contributing to weight gain during menopause:
- Hormonal Changes: As you approach menopause, your body's production of estrogen and progesterone decreases. These hormonal shifts can lead to changes in your metabolism, causing your body to store more fat, particularly around the abdomen.
- Muscle Mass Decline: With age and hormonal changes, there's a natural decline in muscle mass. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, this loss of muscle can slow down your metabolism and make weight management more challenging.
- Lifestyle Factors: Menopause often coincides with other lifestyle changes, such as decreased physical activity and changes in dietary habits. These factors can contribute to weight gain over time.
- Stress: Menopause can be a stressful time, and increased stress levels can lead to overeating or unhealthy food choices, further exacerbating weight gain.
- Sleep Disruptions: Sleep disturbances are common during menopause and can disrupt the delicate balance of hunger-regulating hormones, leading to increased appetite and weight gain.
The Good News - there IS a solution!
Now before I tell you HOW to overcome menopause weight gain and reverse the situation you find yourself in ....be aware that nothing happens overnight. If someone tries to sell you supplements for menopause weight gain - run a mile!
So here's the MAGIC 5 things that help with menopause weight gain.
β Sleep MORE - Focus on establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a sleep-conducive environment to improve the quality of your rest. Adequate sleep can positively impact your metabolism and reduce cravings.
β Move MORE and Exercise in the RIGHT way - Engage in regular physical activity, incorporating both cardiovascular exercises and strength training. Building and maintaining muscle mass can rev up your metabolism and help manage weight.
β Eat to NOURISH your body - not starve it - Opt for a balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid crash diets.
β Stress - less - Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Reducing stress can help prevent emotional eating and support overall well-being.
β Seek Support: Connect with people like myself who experts in menopause management. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your needs.
That all sounds very do'able doesn't it - but if it was that easy, we'd never be facing these problems.
Because menopause makes it HARDER to sleep, HARDER to exercise, and MUCH harder to reduce stress - I know, I've been there!
But once you have put some of the big lifestyle changes in place, you'll find that the weight begins to shift.
π« No strict dieting.
π« No cutting out carbs or dairy.
π« No time restricted eating.
And at the same time, you'll notice your menopause symptoms easing off.
You may start to feel less foggy brained, feel your zest for life returning and even feel more confident in your clothes.
If you'd like to understand more about this here's an invite for my next online FREE webinar on October 2nd at 7.30 pm. To bag your space click HERE.