Rated ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ by clients

Move Over Menopause VIP Group Coaching Programme. 

Menopause can be a confusing time leaving you feeling bewildered by all the advice you read. HRT may be hugely helpful for you but it's not the ONLY thing that helps.

The Move Over Menopause programme is designed for women in peri-menopause and menopause who want to understand how they can use lifestyle changes to help them:

🔶 Sleep better

🔶 Reduce anxiety

🔶 Regain confidence

🔶 Lose weight effortlessly

🔶 Improve energy levels 

🔶 AND get back to a regular fitness programme that they LOVE. 


NEXT VIP Group coaching programme starts October  2024

Group coaching no fitness classes 💥
Group coaching with fitness classes 💥

Are you heading into menopause, & feel overwhelmed by the flood of advice available?


You've probably heard about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but did you know that there are other effective approaches you can explore during this phase?

Welcome to the Move Over Menopause programme—an empowering online group coaching programme specially designed for women in perimenopause and menopause who want week by week coaching, support and accountability. 

This Move Over Menopause method has been designed by myself after many years of working with women, just like you.

There are no fads, no gimmicks, instead evidence based lifestyle changes to equip you with the knowledge and tools to embrace this life-changing phase with confidence, vitality, and grace - and everything I teach can be used alongside or instead of using HRT.

The VIP Move Over Menopause programme includes everything you need to truly turn your life around.

Access to unlimited LIVE online Menopause specific fitness classes, live group coaching calls and a private whats app group for accountability and support. 

The Move Over Menopause programme will help you to:

✔️ Sleep better

✔️ Reduce anxiety

✔️ Regain confidence

✔️ Lose weight effortlessly

✔️ Improve energy levels

✔️ Get back to a regular fitness programme you LOVE

The next Move Over Menopause programme starts October 2024.

Are you ready to understand how you can alleviate menopause symptoms naturally?

Many women experience menopause-related challenges that affect their well-being, relationships, family, and work-life.

If you find yourself feeling betrayed by your body and longing for the real you, you're not alone.

Menopause can bring about unpleasant side-effects, such as weight gain, hair loss, depression, exhaustion, and more.

With 34 recognized menopause symptoms that can last for over a decade, it's essential to find a solution that works for you.

With my help and support you can reclaim your life and body right now!

Here's how to take the next step on your empowering menopause journey:

🔷 Enroll in the Move Over Menopause Programme: Join me for a transformative experience where you'll learn how to balance hormones, achieve better sleep, and reclaim your vitality.

The next 6 month program starts in October 2024 reserve your spot today!

Or if you'd like to find out a bit more about how it works:

🔷 Book a Free Discovery Call: If you have questions or need more information about the program, I'm here to help. Schedule a discovery call at your convenience, and I'll provide the clarity you seek.

Book a free discovery call with Sam


As with most biological transitions (hello, puberty and pregnancy), the menopause can play havoc with your hormones, leaving you feeling out of control, unattractive, confused and old beyond your years. 

Some menopause side-effects, like hot flushes, will ease eventually. But others, such as weight gain around the tummy, will only get worse if left unchecked and can increase your risk of severe health problems, like heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis (bone disease).

With the average woman in the UK living into her early 80s, you need to nurture and love the body you’re in right now.


⏰ It’s use it or lose it time, and the clock’s ticking.

Book a free discovery call with Sam

Hi, I'm Sam Palmer, your personal Menopause Guru!

As a 59-year-old, multi-award-winning exercise coach, menopause expert, qualified nurse, teacher, and mentor, I'm on a mission to guide women through the menopause maze. I've dedicated over 25 years to health and fitness, and I'm here to help you navigate through this transformative phase.

So WHY choose to work with me?

✔️ Tap into my extensive expertise in health and fitness, backed by qualifications as a nurse, award-winning fitness coach, and nutrition mentor.

✔️ I've helped over 500 women transform their lives over the last decade, and now it's your turn.

✔️ Consider me your personal Menopause Guru, dedicated to assisting you through this phase of your life.

Is it time for me to help YOU?


Specially tailored for menopausal women, this VIP Move Over Menopause programme is perfect for busy working women who want the support of live group coaching, access to all the information they need in one place and the solution to getting back to regular fitness. 

It will show you how to balance your hormones, sleep like a babe, and reclaim the body, energy levels, and life you deserve.

Packed with expert health, fitness, nutrition, and well-being advice, my program offers bite-sized workshops that make learning easy and enjoyable.

Move Over Menopause focuses on 4 key areas of midlife health.

While you may be eager to tackle everything at once, trust me, the best results come from taking this journey one step at a time. Each week, we'll focus on a specific area, allowing for better understanding and helping you to achieve a lasting transformation that becomes a lifelong habit.

Yes I know you want to tackle weight gain and anxiety and and and .....but take it from me experience tells me that you get the BEST results when you take this journey slowly and you work on just one thing each week. 

Over time your transformation will come and the new way of living will become such a habit, it will last you a lifetime - I promise!

Are you excited to get going?!

These are some of the topics  you'll cover ....

Enhance Sleep and Rest:

Discover how improved sleep patterns can regulate hormones related to appetite and metabolism, supporting natural weight management, particularly around the stomach area, and reducing anxiety at work and at home.

Embrace relaxation techniques and bedtime rituals that calm the mind and reduce stress, leading to better control over anxiety levels.

Elevate Stress Management and Anxiety Relief:

Learn practical methods to manage stress, cope with challenges, and foster a more balanced and resilient mindset, reducing anxiety levels in all aspects of life, while also addressing feelings of tiredness and brain fog.

Effective stress management can positively impact mental clarity and focus and be helpful both at work and home.


Nourish Your Body in Midlife:

Adopt a nourishing and balanced diet that supports healthy weight management and can help to reduce the stubborn weight gain which many women have around the stomach area.

Nourishing your body with the right nutrients can also foster a sense of well-being and self-worth, addressing feelings of not mattering to anyone.




Harness Lifestyle Changes for Menopause Symptom Relief:

Lifestyle adjustments, combined with nourishing eating habits, can provide sustained energy levels and mental clarity, alleviating feelings of tiredness and brain fog, and giving you back a feeling of control and clarity. 

Additionally, this programme offers a supportive community where you'll feel valued, understood, and connected.

"I needed to educate myself "

During the lockdown I had the time to look at myself, my health & quality of life. I was feeling very low, my weight was out of control, had no energy, ached from head to toe, the list could go on and on.

I searched for information and found you, I felt like I had known you for years. I signed up for the Move over Menopause programme.

I found that the changes so beneficial, I felt so much better, it even cured me of my caffeine addiction! I enjoyed the online fitness classes, they fit in with my work schedule & I feel so much better for doing them.

I've lost 24lbs, 4.5 inches from my waist & 5 inches from my hips.

I turned 60 this year and feel healthier and stronger than I have in 20 years.

Jo Bull - September 2021 Move Over Menopause course

Move Over Menopause is an all inclusive health, fitness and lifestyle programme over 6 months.

What's included:


A private, online consultation with Sam, worth £150, to help you start your journey. A unique chance to get tailored, candid advice for all your menopausal worries.

⚪️ WEEKLY GROUP COACHING COVERING THE AREAS YOU WANT TO TACKLE MOST - Anxiety and Brain Fog, Midlife Fitness, Weight control and Menopause symptoms. 

Each session builds on the previous one to help you make the changes that will help you feel like you want to again. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at any time. 


Tailored nutrition advice to help you lose weight and keep your symptoms (and midlife-munchies) at bay. Discover the foods YOU should be eating and those to avoid.


Unlimited live online fitness classes targeting the key strength and muscle groups which support our midlife bodies and hormones. Classes include yoga, pilates, HIIT, Fitstix, Fitball and more...


Join our what's app group so you can ask questions and chat, support and share amongst a small group of women just like you. 

⚪️  AND ME, SAM!

I'm a trained nurse, fitness instructor and menopause expert, who is on your side every step of the way to support, guide and advise so you get the results you want.

Sarah Linsey

"I can’t speak highly enough of it."


"I have just completed Sam’s Move Over Menopause course and can’t speak highly enough of it. 
It has much content than I imagined, far bigger than just about the menopause.
I was particularly interested in the nutrition side, and I've had lots of help with that, inspirational recipes, and meal planning. 
But what I wasn’t expecting was the wonderful sense of community, sharing and support from a lovely group of women…it helps so much to know that you are not alone in going through difficult times at this time of life.

Sarah Linsey, Move Over Menopause Member 2021
Gina Deacon

"Everything I had hoped for and so much more."

"Sam’s programme was everything I had hoped for and so much more, it really has set me off on the path to improving my lifestyle.

I honestly looked after my car better than I looked after my body!

I now exercise regularly, have massively reduced sugar & the tiredness has gone, replaced with energy - I sleep so well and most importantly I’ve learnt to put me first.

Sam provides you with the detail so you want to put the tasks into practice, understanding why you are doing something is so important to ensure you continue."

Gina Deacon, Move Over Menopause Member 2021 

Gina Deacon

"This course should be available to every woman over 40 in the country!"


Sam’s course has been a mine of information covering everything from exercise, nutrition and hormones, to anxiety and makeup (not in the same session!)

More than that, I’ve met a fantastic group of supportive women who I hope will stay in my life. The support from Sam and the group doesn’t end when the course ends.

This course should be available to every woman over 40 in the country!

Lisa de Silva, Move Over Menopause Member 2021


Let's face it - menopause can be a confusing time!

You may not even KNOW if you are in peri- menopause or menopause!!

The internet is stuffed full of 'advice' but when you can't sleep, your brain feels fuzzy and you are desperate for a way to feel like you used to - it's all too easy to get fobbed off by the idea of a 'quick solution' of some supplement, cream or shake that is just an expensive mistake. 

If you really want to change the way you are feeling and feel more confident and able to enjoy life again - you need to do it slowly, gently and consistently.

And I'll be by your side to motivate, support and guide you as you work your way through the modules to help you 

Start Feeling Great Again!


"Sam is a wonderful, positive support leading me along this journey"

I honestly promise that if you follow my advice, by the end of your time on the the programme you will:

Regain your confidence and self-esteem

Going through menopause is tough, and can knock your confidence. I help you rediscover your inner strength and get back your self-esteem.

Discover the secret to midlife weight control.

Midlife hormones can play havoc with our weight, and yet by addressing simple lifestyle changes you can see inches come off - and without dieting!

Learn how to get a good night's sleep again. 

A poor night's sleep, due to restlessness and night sweats, plays havoc with our hormones. I can help you fix this and get you sleeping well again. 

Rediscover the joy of feeling fit & strong. 

Symptoms of the peri menopause often mean that fitness is the last thing on the agenda.

I'll help you get into a fitness routine that works WITH your hormones.

The Move Over Menopause programme is for all women who:

⚪️ Anxious and have lost their confidence
⚪️ Their weight gain is beyond control
⚪️ They're not enjoying life like they used to
⚪️ Their self-esteem, libido and general mood are low.
But really want to feel... 
✔️Confident, calm and in control again
✔️Comfortable with their body, and in control of weight gain
✔️Happy and positive
✔️Like yourself again!

Results from the January 2023 Move Over Menopause programme:

👏🏻100% would recommend the course

💥 87% lost weight and / or waist size

😊 91% felt more confident at work, and in themselves

💛 97% felt fitter and happier 

Some of the questions I"m asked most: